Script 404 Not Found
Fitur :Caranya :
- Good Design
- Send Message To Your Mail If Any one go here
- And More
1.Buka Hostingmu
2.Pilih Domain Yang Akan DiInstall
3.Pilih Switch
4.Masuk Ke File Mangaer 1
5.Pilih Publick_html
6.Copy Code Ini Dan Beri Nama 404.php
"Status: 404 Not Found"
# 404.php, 8/10/2000; Revised 08/27/2001 by
# See Revision notes below for changes.
# This script traps 404 errors and mails a notice to the webmaster.
# Requires PHP 3.0 or newer, and mail capability on your system.
# Copyright 2000 under the GNU Public License.
# Disclaimer: I wrote this script for me, and it works for me.
# If it doesn't work for you, or makes your server explode,
# that's life. Please email with questions or bug reports.
# ***REVISION 1.2***
# This code was revised by 08/27/2001
# Revision Changes:
# 1. Filler text now appears after the error msg and in background colour.
# 2. Added webmaster email address (different from error reporting
# address).
# 3. Added mailto: link to webmaster.
# 4. Fixed errortime reporting, earlier version displayed hours and minutes
# with only 1 digit, eg. 2:3 (14:03). Got rid of unnecessary errortime code
# and used date() function instead.
# ***REVISION 1.1***
# This code was revised by 06/23/2001
# Revision Changes:
# 1. Added 404 header
# 2. Fixed parsing error in PHP4 by adding a ";" in print_details()
# at the end of the second line of global variables.
# Set these variables to configure the script:
# Set $domain to your domain name (no www)
$domain =
# Set $docroot to the URL of the directory which contains your
# .htaccess file. Don't include trailing slash.
# Font face you'd like to use on the 404 page
$fontface =
# Font size you'd like to use on the 404 page
$fontsize =
# Background color of the 404 page (default is white)
$bgcolor =
# Text color you'd like to use on the 404 page (default is black)
$textcolor =
# This script is capable of mailing the details of each 404 error
# to the webmaster. Use the $reportlevel variable to control when
# you receive these reports.
# 0 = don't use the email capabilities at all
# 1 = send email only if the error's referer contains your domain name
# (i.e. the 404 was generated by a broken link on your site)
# 2 = send email any time a 404 error is generated (useful for tracking
# broken links at other sites which link to you)
$reportlevel = 2;
# Set $emailaddress to the email address of whoever should be
# notified of 404 errors. Don't escape the @ symbol. This will also
# be used as the "from" address on any emails the script generates.
# You can leave this unassigned if you're not using email features.
$emailaddress =
# If you want the error message to contain a mailto: link to the
# webmaster, set this variable to 1. The email address is specified
# in the variable $webmasteraddress (see below).
# 0 = no link
# 1 = display link
$webmasterlink = 1;
# Set $webmasteraddress to the email address you want displayed on
# the error page. Don't escape the @ symbol.
$webmasteraddress =
# If you want to edit the script, I've commented profusely :) #
# The print_details function is what prints the 404 error to
# the visitor. As far as I know, PHP3 doesn't incorporate Perl's
# print <<"EOT" ability. PHP4 does allow this capability
# but the script was written for PHP3. So, you have to use
# a lot of echo statements if you want to retain PHP3 compat.
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $fontface, $fontsize, $docroot, $REQUEST_URI, $reportlevel;
global $bgcolor, $textcolor, $webmasterlink, $webmasteraddress;
# Print the 404 error in web format
"<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>"
"<body bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" text=\"$textcolor\">"
"<b><h1>404 Not Found</h1></b>"
"<p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">"
"<p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">The page you requested, $docroot$REQUEST_URI, doesn't exist"
" on this server.</font></p>"
# If webmaster shall be displayed, generate html code
($webmasterlink != 0)
$linktext =
"<a href=\"mailto:"
. $webmasteraddress .
$linkclose =
# If an email report is being generated, let the visitor know:
($reportlevel != 0)
"<p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">"
"The details of this error have automatically been mailed to the "
. $linktext .
. $linkclose .
# filler
"<p><font color=\"$bgcolor\" face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">After hours of wondering why IE5 would not display my error message, I found a post on the site that pointed out the page must be larger than 512K for IE 5 to display it rather than IE's lovely \"Friendly HTTP error messages.\"</font></p>"
"<p><font color=\"$bgcolor\" face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">After hours of wondering why IE5 would not display my error message, I found a post on the site that pointed out the page must be larger than 512K for IE 5 to display it rather than IE's lovely \"Friendly HTTP error messages.\"</font></p>"
"<p><font color=\"$bgcolor\" face=\"$fontface\" size=\"$fontsize\">After hours of wondering why IE5 would not display my error message, I found a post on the site that pointed out the page must be larger than 512K for IE 5 to display it rather than IE's lovely \"Friendly HTTP error messages.\"</font></p>"
# Close up the HTML tags
# echo "</body></html>";
# The send_email function sends the details of the 404 error to the
# webmaster.
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $REQUEST_URI, $HTTP_REFERER, $emailaddress, $REMOTE_ADDR, $docroot;
# Build the $errortime variable to contain the date/time of the error.
$errortime = date(
"D M j Y G:i:s T"
# Create the body of the email message
$message .=
"404 Error Report\n\nA 404 error was encountered by $REMOTE_ADDR"
$message .=
" on $errortime.\n\n"
$message .=
"The URI which generated the error is: \n$docroot$REQUEST_URI\n\n"
$message .=
"The referring page was:\n$HTTP_REFERER\n\n"
# Send the mail message. This assumes mail() will work on your system!
"404 Error Report"
, $message,
"From: $emailaddress"
# Done with function declarations. Main function begins here.
# Send a 404 error to the user's browser
# See whether or not we should send an email report. If so, do it.
($reportlevel != 0)
($reportlevel == 1) {
send_email(); }
# All done!
7.Edit Code Berikut Pada file 404.php Yang Saya Kasih
# Set $docroot to the URL of the directory which contains your8.Edit Code Ini Juga Di File 404.php Tadi
# .htaccess file. Don't include trailing slash.
$docroot = "
# Set $domain to your websites domain name (no www)
$domain = "
# Set $emailaddress to the email address of whoever should beCode Yang Berwarna Biru Ganti Menjadi Emailmu
# notified of 404 errors. Don't escape the @ symbol.
# You can leave this unassigned if you're not using email features.
$emailaddress = "";
9.Oke Semoga bermanfaat
Eitss Setelah Itu Buat File/Edit File Bernama .htaccess dan Beri Kode Ini
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
Nice post gan, kalo bisa di jelasin fungsinya
ReplyDeleteFungsinya untuk Mengalihkan Url Yang Salah.Gak Ada :D
Deletenyimak aja gan..